Page 104 - Benaa.Vol01
P. 104
in a way that ensures the avail- project are
ability of the required qualifi- not available
cations for the contractors, ser- or due to the
BENAA take part in a bid or a tender, ject. Moreo-
complex na-
vice providers and consultants
who might be called upon to
ture of a pro-
the minister of finance
said. According to him,
Local tenders
the draft law has a built-
in evaluation system that
a million
relies on the technical na- to be raised to
pound for
ture of a bid to ensure
that the best bidder gets ver,
the right treat. contracts, the products or services needed as
The framework agree- Garhy says draft in- well as the way of dealing with
ments are thus defined as cluded several the bidding and the rights and du-
a sort of contract where the ad- articles that facilitate the con- ties of the parties involved. The
ministrative body and the suc- duct of the business communi- date to open the bidders’ propo-
sals should be well stated and
ew Amendments
cessful bidder- agreeing on the
N to Law of Bids and Tenders control the framework of the cording to the minister of a change of the project’s specifi-
ty in Egypt. Article seven, ac-
should not be adjusted but due to
general regulations that later
finance, raised the value of a
contract to supply services or
local tender from LE400.000 to
Transparency is thus one of
products within certain amount
a million pound which offer
the major bases of the draft law
of time. A memo of interest is
also seen as a way for bidders
bidders within a certain gov-
the governmental institutions
to show their interest in taking ample opportunity for local which states in article 15 that
ernorate or sector to have pref-
part in certain project. erential treatment. For the should announce the bids and
To facilitate the procedures of bids and tenders and secure the rights of those dealing tenders through its websites
The draft law has given the small and medium size pro-
with the government, the Ministry of Finance has finalized several amendments of the law and one of the major dailies as
public sector the right to call jects, the executive regulation
regulating this process. The new draft has 68 against 46 articles of the old law which marks well as an international journal
for auctions for selling or rent- of the draft defined the proce-
an attempt to present new regulations matching the international standards. ing a commodity. It has also dures to be followed when the in case of international tenders.
settled a legal base for the elec- bidding costs are equal and The government bodies are also
Amro Garhy, Minister of Fi- former states otherwise, the avoid disputes… “For example, committed to get bids in case
tronic sales as the second arti-
nance, said the draft is to be minister added. electronic publishing, as de- called upon the administrative of urgent direct contracting.
cle of the draft states that the bodies to earmark ten percent
executed by the state’s admin- However, Garhy pointed out fined by the draft law, is the However, the head of a govern-
cabinet has the right to pur-
istrative bodies, localities and that the current law will be way that makes data and infor- of its purchase from the small ment authority has the right to
chase through the government enterprises.
economic authorities. For the functional until the new regula- mation available through the finalize a contract directly in
electronic sites according to the
first time, the ministries' spe- tions are in place. He said that internet and electronic agree- The government bodies are also case of a million pound pur-
advice of the minister of fi- asked by the draft law to prepare
cial funds and accounts will be tariffs adopted by the draft law ments including the selling, chase or if the service is only
committed by the yet to be new had been defined according to purchase and contracts done well- defined bid requirements available through a sole provid-
The third article of the draft and specifications before calling
law as well as the contracts, technical terms and concepts through the electronic system er. The ministers and governors
allows for a two- stage tender
loans, and grants awarded to known by most of those deal- available to the public.” for bidding. This article is meant have also the right to a LE10
when comprehensive technical to include the general and private
the state in accordance to inter- ing with bids and tenders The new definitions are million purchase or LE5 mil-
description of the service or the
national agreements unless the which is a practical mean to meant to rehabilitate the market technical specifications, lists of lion for renting a facility.