Page 101 - Benaa.Vol01
P. 101


                                                                                                       creating a major challenge to lo-
                                                                                                       cal producers of building materi-
                                                                                                       als. According to Dr. Gamal,
                               benaa                                                                   building materials into the local
                                                                                                       heavy truck transporting the

                                                                                                       market has to pay a good amount
                                                                                                       of money varying from one place
                                                                                                       to the other … "The fees should
                                                                                                       be unified according to the
                                                                                                       weight and type of shipment. But
                                                                                                       now, the fees have become a bur-
                                                                                                       den because in some cases pro-
                                                                                                       ducers endure expenses that go
                                                                                                       beyond the actual value of the
                                                                                                                           shipment. A
                                                                                                                           unified fee-
                                                                                                       Authority:          list should
                                                                                                       86% increase        be declared
                                                                                                       of building         throughout
                                                                                                       materials           the country
                                                                                                       exports             to    secure
                                   meet their obligations. Endors-   lar, its activities
                                   ing the federation's contract will  have not been affected          achieved since      fair play be-
                                                                                                       last May
                                   thus improve the economics of a   because most of the raw                               tween    the
                                   project and decreases the costs   components are locally pro-                          government
                                   which are usually included by     duced," the chairman said. He                        and the pro-
                                   contractors as a security tool to  pointed out that the country ex-  ducers," Dr. Gamal said.
                                   maintain the project's operation  perienced a similar crisis in 2004  Within the same context, Dr.
                                   in case of payment delay,” Dr.    …"when the dollar reached         Gamal said, the glass industry in
                                   Gamal said. He added that the     LE7.30… but a more flexible       Egypt is facing a big challenge as
                                   government should ensure the      exchange pricing policy was       far as the pricing of the natural
                                   availability of financial resourc-  adopted for almost a year and   gas is concerned. According to
                                   es before endorsing new projects  only then the dollar went back    him, the government sells a mil-
                                   otherwise the market will suffer  and settled at LE5.60; a step that  lion gas units for $7 to local en-
                                   from acute cash shortage which    could be repeated," he said. A    terprises whereas Algeria, Saudi
                                   in turn will have its negative im-  fair and more settled dollar ex-  Arabia and the Emirates, sell the
                                   pact on the economic activities.  change price will help solve the  same units for almost a dollar
                                   The dollar shortage and the fluc-  country's economic problems      which practically threatens the
                                   tuation of its exchange price has  and encourage investors to ven-  competitive edge of a billion dol-
                                   also been a problem facing the    ture into more local projects, he  lar local glass exports. Dr. Gamal
                                   building sector…"Despite the      added.                            pointed out that even the govern-
                                   fact that the building materials'   Yet the sector still suffers from  ment decision to decrease the
                                   sector has to survive such unset-  a rather odd problem. The route  price to five dollars per unit has
                                   tling exchange price of the dol-  fees have become a headache       not been implemented as yet.

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