Page 112 - Benaa.Vol01
P. 112


                               BENAA                                  Construction

                                                                                             Sector Grows



                                                                                             The construction sector has                                                                                         Plans to build
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 creative community
                                                                                             been the most beneficial of the                               According to observers the        The    ministry's                              thus become an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 of researchers and
                                                                                             recently declared strategy for                               first two years of President Ab-  report said that the  technology                integral part of
                                                                                             Egypt 2030. The strategy, which is                           del Fattah Al- Sisi's rule could  sector will be in-   producers                  the development
                                                                                             looking forward to place the                                 easily be described as the years  volved in laying                                process. In 2016-
                                                                                             country as the 30th on the big                               of construction. The Ministry of  the basis of the new              2017 plan, the government will
                                                                                             economies list, has given the                                Planning and Administrative       capital's  infrastructure         work to establish 656.000 low-

                                                                                             sector a big boost by pouring in                             Reform reported that the build-   which will be stretched           cost housing units and develop
                                                                                                                                                          ing and construction sector       over 3000 feddans and 8000        91 under- developed residential
                                                                                             billions of pounds to establish
                                                                                                                                                          grew by 13.4% during the sec-     feddans in new Alamen city        areas. The latter will witness the
                                                                                             new networks and cities. Starting
                                                                                                                                                          ond quarter of 2016 thus top-     with current investments of LE3   establishment of 50.000 new
                                                                                             from the current fiscal year and
                                                                                                                                                          ping the list of the most devel-  billion. The construction of      housing units and an increase of
                                                                                             until 2030, the state is planning to
                                                                                                                                                          oping economic sectors in the     30.000 new housing units in the   the capability of drinking wa-
                                                                                             add new cities in Toshka, Alamen,
                                                                                                                                                          country. The sector has also      new capital and 10.000 more in    ter's network from 36 million
                                                                                             Farafra, Thibus, Jalala mountain                             managed to attract investments    Toshka at the farthest country    cm to 38.9 cm million a day.

                                                                                             and Port Saeed. The main target                              of almost LE3.9 billion because   border , in addition to 2000       The Suez Canal's developing
                                                                                             of the new plan is to extend the                             of its participation in the Grand  Bedouin homes in Farafra and     project has topped the list of the
                                                                                             populated areas from 6 percent to                            National projects which will be   finally 8340 housing units in     national projects for the year
                                                                                             12 percent of the total inhabited                            pursued for the coming ten        Port Saeed is part of the plan.   2016. The government invested
                                                                                             areas in this country.                                       years.                             The construction sector has      $500 million to establish elec-

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